Convention Minutes October 2006

Pacific Green Party of Oregon
Minutes: Business convention October 7, 2006
Portland State University

Fall business meeting convened at 10:35 a.m. by Lori Burton, facilitator

Voting members: Lori Burton, Sara Burton, Steven C. Geiger, Steven Lance Geiger, Marnie Glickman, Charles Fall, Joseph Keating, Timothy Dehne, Diana Carsten, Paul Loney, Christopher Henry, Teresa Keane, Joanne Cvar, Art Cvar
Guests: Gregory Kern, Rae S. Henry, Crystal Lynn Geiger

Approval: agenda
Decision item: A request to add a discussion of GP-US Res. 247 (support for the Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts’ call to implement divestiture per Res. 190) to the agenda was denied by a tie vote. Opposed: 3, in favor 3, stand-asides O
Concerns included that not everyone interested in the issue had adequate notice to be present for the discussion.
Decision item: The agenda is approved as presented, with one stand-aside.

Approval: minutes from June 17 convention
Decision item: Approved with addition of amendment noting that the draft revised PGP platform was presented for consideration and comment at the June convention. Paul Loney’s name was added to the minutes as recorder. Consensus.

Scheduling 2007 conventions
Decision item:
Spring business convention, February or March, at Westminster House in Corvallis, hosted by Linn-Benton Chapter
June nominating convention (for SCC), hosted by Metro Chapter
Fall convention/gathering, September or October, Meeting Yurt at South Beach State Park (south of Newport), hosted by Lincoln County Greens.

Revised PGP Platform
Discussion included concerns about late submission of extensive revisions to the draft revised platform presented in June. Reasons included the need for stronger statements in a time of national crisis; retaining key elements from the old platform.
Cover page,
Decision item: Delete Constitution Article II, substitute Bylaws Article I - Preamble, Purpose and Methods.
Approve 8, Oppose 1, stand-aside 0.
Section 1, Preamble and Key Values
Decision item: Accept suggested revisions to June draft, but retain inclusion of the Ten Key Values.
Approve 7, stand-aside 1 (reason: not enough time to consider all the revisions).
Decision item: Global change: substitute “we the people” for “we advocate” and change grammar accordingly.
Approve 8, stand-aside 1 (see above).
Section 2, Note on National and Global issues
Decision item: Accept revisions, delete quote marks and parentheses, except for “War on Terror,” which should be capitalized.
Approve 8, stand-aside 1 (see above).
Section 3, Grassroots democracy
Decision item: Accept revisions and proposed changes, add bullet to c. Election Reform: “random hand audit of ballots.”
Approve 8, no stand-asides or opposition.
Section 4: Social Justice
Decision item: Accept revisions, with proposed changes and addition of f. Workers’ rights.
Approve 10, no stand-asides or opposition.
Discussion included concern that a dollar amount should be added to the term “living wage.”
Section 5: Ecological Wisdom
Decision item: Accept revisions with proposed changes and additions.
Approve 10, no stand-asides or opposition.
Section 6: Nonviolence
Decision item: Accept revisions with proposed changes and additions.
Approve 7, oppose 0, stand-aside 1
Section 7: Realizing our Values: A Sustainable Economic Program for Oregon
Concerns included problems for candidates in defending too specific recommendations, a concern that a tax on vehicle usage is a regressive tax.
Decision item: Accept revisions with proposed changes and additions.
Approve 7, oppose 0, stand-aside 0
PGP Platform approved:
The new platform ratified at state convention on October 7, 2006 will replace the existing PGP platform.

National delegates report (See Appendix)

Nomination/Appointment female National Committee delegate
Paul Loney nominates Marnie Glickman. No other nominations were offered.
Decision item; Marnie Glickman is re-elected for a two-year term as the female PGP delegate to the National Committee of the GP-US.
Approve 10, no opposition or stand-asides.

Initiative measures
PGP decisions:
39: yes Prohibits public body from condemning real property it intends to convey to private party
Approve 6, stand-aside 1.
Reason: Such condemnations are another form of privatization.
40: no Amends Constitution; requires Oregon Supreme Court judges and Court of Appeals judges to be elected by district
Oppose 8.
Reason: State Court decisions impact the whole state; therefore the judges should be elected by the whole state.
41: no Allows income tax deduction equal to federal exemptions deduction to substitute for state exemption credit
Oppose 8.
Reason: Regressive; reduces state revenue.
42: yes Prohibits insurance companies from using credit score or “credit worthiness” in calculating rates or premiums
Approve 8
Reason: This measure would unduly burden the poor.
43: no Requires 48-hour notice to unemancipated minor’s parent before providing abortion; authorizes lawsuits, physician discipline
Oppose 7, stand-aside 1
Reason: No reason to change the current statute.
44: yes Allows any Oregon resident without prescription drug coverage to participate in Oregon prescription drug program
Approve 8
Reason: A puny step in the right direction
45: yes Amends Constitution; allows state legislators six years as representative, eight years as senator, fourteen years in legislature
Approve 6, oppose 1, stand-aside 1
Reason: End career politicians
46: yes Amends Constitution; allows laws regulating election contributions, expenditures adopted by initiative or 3/4 of both legislative houses
Already approved.
47: yes Revises campaign finance laws: limits or prohibits contributions and expenditures; adds disclosure, new reporting requirements
Already approved.
48: no Amends Constitution: limits biennial percentage increase in state spending to percentage increase in state population, plus inflation
Oppose 8.
Reason: Too problematic

Campaign updates
Joe Keating, campaigning for governor of Oregon, thanked the PGP for the cash to publish a statement in the Voters’ Pamphlet, and said he is running a credible campaign. The minor party debates have gotten good media response, making the debates by the two major parties from which they are excluded less relevant. Keating believes there is much latent support in the electorate for our stands. He is utilizing film, radio, automated calls, and events to bring his message to them.
Campaign plans for the last few weeks include stops in Ashland, Eugene and Corvallis, emphasizing the “pillar” issues of peace, the environment, and an energy-independent Oregon. He is also speaking in Coos Bay on October 12 as part of a west coast-wide demonstration against siting liquid natural gas facilities in communities from Mexico to Washington State. The last two weeks of the campaign will focus on touring the Portland Metro area with the bus named Cool, starting at noon each day. Volunteer drivers, sound people, and riders are needed.

Paul Loney, running for Oregon House District 46, also thanked the PGP for funding his Voters’’ Pamphlet statement. He has been interviewed (as has Keating) by Willamette Week, and spoke of plans for a “Bi-Partisan Café” discussion with his Democratic and Republican opponents. Loney emphasized the need for campaign finance reform and urged PGP members to support Fair Elections Oregon and to write op-eds in support of Measures 46 and 47 for their local papers.

Adjourn: The convention adjourned about 5:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Cvar, Recorder

Appendix: US Green Party Report
Submitted by Marnie Glickman and Paul Loney

Thank you for trusting us to represent the Pacific Green Party on the national committee of the US Green Party. In addition to serving on the national committee, Paul serves on the accreditation committee and Marnie serves on the international committee.

We have examined 49 proposals this year. Nearly all of the proposals dealt with internal functioning of the national party. They tried to clarify missions, policies and procedures of party committees. We find most of the proposals to be disappointing because they do not help the party run candidates, increase voter registration and improve media coverage.

There were 2 notable votes so far in 2006.

Recently, there was a proposal to form an independent committee to determine which of the two green parties in Utah should be affiliated with the national party. We opposed the proposal because we believe that the national committee and steering committee should make the determination not a small group of people that do not reflect the diversity of the national party.

There was a small group of people determined to impeach most of the steering committee members. The attempt failed. We did not support it. While we believe many of the steering committee members could be more effective, they did not violate the policies and procedures or spirit of the national party.

Late in December 2005, we voted against adoption of the annual budget. As usual, the budget is tremendously out of balance with the needs of the party. Most of the party’s income is spent on overhead and employees or consultants who do not contribute significantly to the growth of the party. Year after year, we try to improve the budget, but have yet to succeed mostly because of national committee member apathy.

We look forward to serving during the next two years because they are so crucial to the party’s growth. We expect that the presidential primary race will heat up very quickly after this November’s elections. Already three Greens have declared their intentions to run for president. We believe that it is very possible that Ralph Nader will also run again. We intend to help the party conduct a well organized, peaceful primary and a strong, vibrant general election campaign.