Merkley admits his vote will hurt hungry families in Oregon
"We are cutting programs at a time of record inequality in our nation, and yes, they will hurt families in Oregon, some of these core programs that simply put food on the table," Merkley said. Oregonians will receive about $60 a month less in SNAP benefits. He still voted YES for the Farm Bill, as did Senator Wyden. On the other hand, Congressional Representative Peter Defazio's Eugene staffer remarked on a call that he voted NO on the farm bill because "it would hurt poor and hungry people". |
Convention Minutes November 2013
Pacific Green Party Convention minutes
Saturday the 23rd of November, 2013
The Grand Ballroom in Salem, Oregon
Recorded by Matthew Sanchez
The Pacific Green Party Opposes Any Military Intervention in Syria
The Pacific Green Party opposes any US military intervention in Syria. Further, the Greens urge that the US cease all military aid to
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