How to find out which races are up for election?
You have to contact your own county's election office; the list with links is at the end of this page document. In some cases your local will list the offices, but most likely you will need to contact your local county election office.
What are the various deadlines for filing?
Click here for a list of key dates to file, both as a candidate, for the the voter's pamphlet, etc.
What does it take to run an effective campaign?
Click here or the image on the right for a great presentation on how to organize for an effective Campaign. Join the campaigns committee email list and organizing platform
Seeking the Green Party Nomination or Endorsement?
Please fill this form and send an email to [email protected]. One of our volunteers will contact you. The Campaigns Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of the month, 8:00 pm; please preregister. Here is a our current Endorsement flowchart; we are in the process of reviewing it.
2023, May 16 Special Elections: 2023 Elections Calendar.pdf (143.93 KB)
Important Dates for Special District Candidates
- Tue. Jan 31, 2023 - Deadline for special districts to return board updates
- Sat. Feb. 4, 2023 - First date to file as a candidate for May Special District Election
- Thur. March 16, 2023 - Candidate filing deadline
- Mon. March 20, 2023 - Voters' pamphlet deadline for candidates
(2024) Open Offices : statewide, please check local election offices (links below for local offices that will be on the ballot.
Oregon counties’ Election Website Links
Links for use to find information (needs updating)
- Candidatequickguide.pdf (manual on how to file, etc.)
- Voters-pamphlet-filing-quick-guide.pdf (quick summary of the detailed guides ha not yet been updated with general election dates)
- (ballotpedia) Oregon_State_Senate_elections,_2022
- (ballotpedia) State_legislative_elections, 2022#Oregon
- (ballotpedia) Oregon_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2022
- Historical Election results (to calculate how many votes, outreach to aim for)
- Campaign finance info (