It's easy and exiting to start a new Pacific Green Party chapter! There's great joy in working with others towards a Green future - especially in these divisive times.
The Green Party is a decentralized organization and we depend on our chapters to be our primary connection to voters, and to drive the issues we focus on both locally and statewide. The primary goal of our statewide organization is to support local chapters and to promote candidates running statewide (like Jill Stein for President in 2016). The state provides infrastructure (like this nationbuilder site), training, flyers and other materials, scheduling of statewide conventions, and financial support to local chapters.
There are three steps to create a chapter:
- host a meetup in your area, inviting local Green Party members to attend. We can provide you with contact lists of Greens in your area.
- decide the area to be included in your Chapter. We prefer to organize Chapters around a county, but it's not a hard and fast rule.
- get five registered Green Party members to sign a Chapter Formation Petition and mail (or email a scanned copy) to us.
Some items to discuss at your meetup:
- what local issues and campaigns are of concern
- how often should meetups be held (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
- agreement on process used to run chapter meetings, we recommend modified consensus
- identifying someone tech savvy to administer your facebook presence
We can help you get started! With resources like contact information for Greens in your area. To get going, click the link below:
Yes! I'd like to form a Green Chapter
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