June 17, 2006 Convention Minutes
9:45 Implied Consensus reached on Agenda, after short discussion on who can vote and definition of modified consensus. Decision #1
9:50 Jeff Strang presents his three proposals.
Questions for Jeff, clarifying.
What is quorum requirement?
¾ of CC, allows one to block when we have a small CC
This could allow paralysis in the Party.
Would make it hard for the CC to operate.
2/3 rule would help build the party
This proposal comes from a one time CC decision
The CC has an administrative function, so simple majority works.
Time Is Up.
No Consensus reached.
Voting will be done by ballot after lunch.
Richard Knablin Proposal
“The PGP oppose the siting of any LNG terminals in Oregon.”
Clarifying Question
Any reason not to support this proposal?
No Stand Asides, No Blocks.
Consensus - Decision #2
Erick Douglas Proposal - Funding and Contributions.
Discussion on how to get this going?
There is a finance email list for the PGP. Erick to look into and join.
10:30 - 10:50 Introductions
10:53 - Discussion on the Resolution 190 Proposals.
There were five proposals, three were withdrawn. The sponsors of three proposed one consensus resolution.
Question on procedure.
Do we read each proposal to the convention? Do we read the background material?
Consensus on reading just proposals.
Art Cvar reads his. “The PGP supports 190.”
George H. Reads his, Erick’s, and Allen’s. “Consensus-Building Proposal”
What is happening on the national level?
What is the action item in the George-Erick-Allen Proposal?
George states to form a committee to continue discussion
How does the consensus proposal work on the International law?
Does the George-Erick-Allen Proposal delay debate in the PGP?
What does the word “more” refer to on the George-Erick-Allen Proposal?
How much work went into this at the national level?
What is the problem with 190?
Time Process Question - Do we want to spend more time, time is up.
10 votes for more time, 10 votes to move on. Decide to hear from one proponent each after break.
11:34 Break
11:48 Gary Achteal speaks for George-Erick-Allen Proposal and against 190.
11:58 Handa Glorus (sp?) speaks for 190.
12:10 Committee Reports
Three candidates vetted for today, Paul Aranas, Jeff Cropp, Paul Loney
Measure 86. Very important to defeat.
1:45 Joe Keating, nominee for governor speaks
2:29 Paul A speaks
2:39 Jeff Cropp speaks
2:49 Paul Loney speaks
3:00 Questions of candidates
3:20 Peter Drake explains voting process
Break Voting begins on candidates and Jeff Strang’s proposals.
3:40 Candidates for SCC speak
4:10 Announcements
All candidates nominated
Jeff Strang’s proposals defeated
Review of draft PGP Platform
Erick describes feedback survey.
4:25 Break
4:45 Discussion of 190 proposals
Neither resolution passes.
George will convene committee to further discuss.
5:30 Done