To participate in discussions or organizing committees of the Pacific Green Party, please join us at: (link) or email [email protected] to join the group.
Under we have several subgroups including Media-Communications, Campaigns, etc.
Join us on social media: (this page remains hacked for now, please join the public group: Pacific Green Party of Oregon - Public Group)
List of Current Chapters:
If no group or chapter is listed for your area, it's easy to start one! We’d love to help you and your neighbors get organized.
One of the four pillars of the Pacific Green Party is Grassroots Democracy. We therefore encourage you to join other Greens and allies in your neighborhood by contacting one of the local groups or chapters listed below.
Chapters formed by five or more registered party members, and are generally formed at a county level, with Linn/Benton covering two counties. Groups are members in an area who have not yet signed up to become a chapter.
Chapter / Groups |
Point Person |
Social Media |
Coos Greens |
Mary Geddry |
Eugene Greens Chapter |
Justin Filip |
Linn/Benton Chapter |
Charles Newlin |
Facebook Google Group, email [email protected] for invite |
Marion/Polk |
Ken Adams or Tim Dehne |
Facebook (Polk Co.) |
Portland Metro Chapter |
Facebook (Downtown) |