Starting a new Pacific Green Party is relatively easy. Chapters are generally organized at the county level. Most people joining the party are already active on environmental, peace or social justice groups. The Green Party gives a voice to those groups and individual during times of elections. Running for office is the BEST way to exert pressure and engage the public on those issues.
Please note: we are in the process of updating all our materials to support the formation of new chapters. At this point, please contact the State Coordinating Committee for support.
Suggestions to get started:
- Contact people you already know in your area who are frustrated with local politics or want to amplify their activism
- Invite those friends or people for an informal meeting to review how you are going to organize yourselves (who does what)
- Contact greens already active by sending a message to [email protected] or to the womens caucus at [email protected]. We will support your efforts and share resources. A lot of the Green Party work centers also on issues of corporate rights and electoral reform - which tie-in with all other activism areas (environmental, social justice, peace...) One of us can visit with your group
- Make a list of elections in your county/district/area and acquaint yourself with the deadlines. Another useful site is the Oregon Secretary of state's website.
- Make a list of coalitions and other groups you have worked with or know about in your area.
We are in the process of reviewing our materials to support the formation of locals; please contact us if you need anything or have questions.
Requirements to form a local chapter
- Please read the Constitution and the Bylaws of the Green Party. These specify what a supporting Green Party member is and how we are organized. Please also review the Green Party platform. Again, a member of the State Coordinating Committee can help answer questions.
- Organizing and publicizing a meetup or house party
- Getting five supporting Green Party members to sign up for the new chapter. A registered Green is someone registered as a Green Party member in Oregon. A supporting Green Party member is a Green who has volunteered or donated some time; including meeting time and time to collect and review information. We can provide a list of registered greens in your area.
- Emailing [email protected] or mailing to the Pacific Green Party (PO Box 86704, Portland OR 907286) a letter which includes a) the name and contact information of the 5 supporting members, b) proposed chapter's name; c) proposed chapter's boundary areas; d) name of the designated liaison to the State Coordinating Committee; and e) name of a designated Treasurer or statement that the chapter won't deal with money (donations can be made through the Pacific Green Party)
- The State Coordinating Committee will review your information; providing guidance to adhere to both the Platform and consensus-based decisions.
The Pacific Green Party has funding available to help new chapters and a Revenue Sharing program for chapters that are able to establish a political action committee.