Welcome to the Pacific Green Party
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon stands proud as part of a radical movement whose purpose is to support the emergence of a dynamic society genuinely founded upon the principles of Peace, Sustainability, Social and Economic Justice and Grassroots Democracy. The Pacific Green Party is recognized by the Green Party of the United States as Oregon's statewide representative.
The Green Party of the United States is a grassroots national party. We're the party for "We The People," the health of our planet, and future generations instead of the One Percent. We welcome all those who refuse to accept a choice limited to the Two Parties of War and Wall Street.
Green Party members hold elected offices in Oregon and across the nation and many more around the globe.
The Green Party and Green candidates accept no corporate contributions.
We want you to be a leader in the movement to fight climate change, replace corporate power with democracy and economic justice for all, end mass incarceration, and stop endless war.
The Green Party supports livable wages, universal health care (Medicare For All), repeal of Citizens United, free higher education, student debt forgiveness, full reproductive rights for women, human rights for all immigrants and for LGBTQIA+ people, and racial justice: Black Lives Matter!
Greens will lead the opposition to the corporate parties' agenda during the next four years. We will not compromise, capitulate, or go along with the bipartisan "consensus". The Green Party continues to represent the best hope for America's future.
You can read more about what we stand for at Green Party US.