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If you are a Pacific Green Party member who has changed your voter registration to Democrat in order to vote for Bernie Sanders in the May 2016 primary, please protect grassroots democracy in Oregon and make a pledge to re-register with the Pacific Green Party after the primary. The number of voters we have registered in our party is vital to our ability to place Green Party candidates on your ballot. |
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon has no official position on Bernie Sanders' campaign to become President.
Oregon law prohibits a candidate who loses in the primary election from appearing on the ballot line of another party in the general election. Therefore if Sanders loses the Democratic Party's nomination, we cannot make him our candidate.
If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, the Green Party could theoretically endorse Sanders at our national convention in August. However, our policy has generally been to choose Green Party candidates rather than endorsing candidates of another party.
The Green Party has taken positions similar to those of Sanders on many issues and we welcome his supporters outside of the party to work with us to advance common causes.