Sign Initiative Petition 9 and 8
Signing the Petition is Easy: Download, Sign and Send!Thank you for joining thousands of other Oregonians to help bring balance back to our redistricting process! Printing your petition sheet:
Signing your petition sheet:
For a handy flyer explaining the text of the petitions, please click on the image below |
Send your petition immediately to:Honest Elections 411 SW Second Ave, Unit 200, Portland, OR 97204 You can email us or call us at (503) 386-7996 to speak with a campaign volunteer to walk you through it. *You may download multiple sheets to circulate, just make sure to sign the bottom of each one. If you are soliciting signatures, make sure to have a copy of the full text of the petition with you! If you would like to collect signatures in your neighborhood or at an event, email us to request a signature gathering packet.
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