2024 petitions single signature

Sign Initiative Petition 9 and 8

Signing the Petition is Easy: Download, Sign and Send!

Thank you for joining thousands of other Oregonians to help bring balance back to our redistricting process!
We need 130,000 signatures to get on the ballot! 

Printing your petition sheet:

  • PRINT the PDF of the Petition Sheet that comes up on your screen

  • The petition sheets must be printed on at least 20 pound, 8 1/2 x 11″, uncoated white paper. That’s likely just the white printer paper you have at home.

Signing your petition sheet:

  • This is a one signature sheet, so you will need to sign it twice, once as the Requestor, and again as the Circulator. Be sure to date and add your mailing address.

  • You can print multiple sheets to have other people in your household sign, but if you would like to collect more signatures, email us for a convenient packet with more signature sheets included.

For a handy flyer explaining the text of the petitions, please click on the image below 

Send your petition immediately to:

Honest Elections

411 SW Second Ave, Unit 200, Portland, OR 97204

You can email us or call us at (503) 386-7996 to speak with a campaign volunteer to walk you through it.

*You may download multiple sheets to circulate, just make sure to sign the bottom of each one. If you are soliciting signatures, make sure to have a copy of the full text of the petition with you!
If you would like to collect signatures in your neighborhood or at an event, email us to request a signature gathering packet. 



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