Pacific Green Party of Oregon Endorses Campaign to Decriminalize Sex Work

Pacific Green Party of Oregon endorses campaign to decriminalize sex work, supporting HB 3088 which repeals crimes of prostitution

In line with their platform, Pacific Greens endorse the Urban Justice Center’s Sex Workers Project ( to end criminal prosecution of sex work.  In Oregon, it is expressed in  House Bill 3088: repeals crimes of prostitution, commercial sexual solicitation and promotion of prostitution, recently introduced by Representative Nosse.

The Green Movement stands on the principles of non-violence and social justice, and from this perspective, Pacific Greens recognize that sex work without legal protections can enable violence against workers and patrons, as well as maximizing harm and interfering in adults' sexual decisions.
Indeed, the Urban Justice Center reports that “the criminalization of sex work increases harm experienced by sex workers, creating negative effects on their health, autonomy and futures. Decriminalization opens avenues for those in the sex trades to seek legal remedies for any violence or abuse that they experience, as well as organize for safety and better working conditions. Decriminalization also decreases health risks to the general public,” said Ted Blaszak, legal counsel for the Urban Justice Center.

Criminalization of sex work denies the workers, and the clients, the basic protections afforded other workers and consumers, and makes it more difficult to protect vulnerable minors .

“We understand some engaged in sex work are there as a result of abuse and exploitation,” said PGP media contact Charles Newlin. “Lifting the veil of secrecy that criminalization imposes can make a huge difference for the well being of those in the business. No one should be forced into sex work, and for those working, the work should be dignified with basic legal and safety protections.”

For more information contact Charles Newlin, Email: [email protected]

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  • Charles Newlin
    published this page in Media/News 2021-02-12 10:14:54 -0800