The Pacific Green Party calls for the immediate resignation of Clackamas County Commissioner Mark Shull for his remarks on social media demeaning Muslims, Trans people, and recklessly repeating misinformation.
Though Shull has issued a contrite retraction of his media posts from ‘years ago…,’ and promises ‘to serve everyone regardless of race, creed or religion,” we are doubtful. Pamplin Group reports, “Shull also linked wildfires in rural Clackamas County to disinformation that anti-fascist activists were to blame.” In other posts, he has disparaged Representatives Tlaib and Omar as “traitors,” a statement which directs hatred and is dangerous to members of Congress.
The Pacific Green Party maintains that elected officials need to be held to account for outrageous statements that disparage others and could lead to violence - such as calling progressive members of Congress “traitors” Shull should not get a pass on his past remarks; there is no reason to think his attitudes have changed.
"Mark Shull has shown that he does not possess the necessary qualities to represent Clackamas County effectively," said Emma Lugo, a resident of Oregon City and past Pacific Green candidate for school board and for US House of Representatives, "It is embarrassing having elected leaders who are so out of touch with their community. Clackamas County is changing fast and Mark Shull does not represent the community we are becoming."
Commissioner Shull has stated he will not resign; the people of Clackamas should replace Shull with someone willing to respect the dignity of all classes and types of people. The Pacific Green Party supports candidates seeking to make real and lasting change for a better society and will seek a candidate to replace him.
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