Pacific Green Party Winter Convention


Pacific Green Party Winter Convention

Saturday, January 23, 2016. 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Growers’ Market, 454 Willamette St., Eugene OR 97401.

Near the Amtrak Station.

Local contact: Alan Zundel, [email protected], 541-510-8804

PDF files are available for Convention Minutes and Signin Sheet.

Pacific Green Party Winter Convention 

Updated agenda (01/18/16):

9:30 am: Open doors, set up coffee/tea (bring your own cup), socializing.

10:00: Welcome, review consensus process, choose facilitator, time keeper, etc.
Approve agenda.
Introductions, local chapter reports.

10:30: Reports on initiatives: $15 Now, Salem initiatives, Health Care for All, Ranked Choice Voting, Campaign Finance Reform.

11:15: Initiatives for endorsement: No Fake Emergencies, Local Community Self-Government.

11:45: Discussion of proposal to reduce size of Coordinating Committee.

12:00: Lunch. Bring your own or pick up; Morning Glory Café next door has vegan food.

1:00: Election of CC members.

1:15 Candidate recruitment update and discussion.

2:15: Break.

2:30: Voter registration strategies; effects of Bernie Sanders campaign.

3:30: Reports on 2018 electoral strategy meeting with Laurence Brahm & Jill Stein.

4:30: Clean-up, close.

(Live streaming of Green Party Presidential candidates from San Diego has been cancelled.)

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