Candidates & Campaigns

Run for office or help electoral campaigns

In 2021, there are numerous local races, particularly for school board, water board, etc.

Deadline to file is March 18, elections on May 17.

Make a difference - Consider running for office.  Below you will find:

Green Party Run for office page - how to run as a Green, resources

Secretary of State page with link to your county, for a listing of races.

We are holding a Campaign Skills Share April 11 but will help you before hand to get your campaign going.   Please fill this candidate form and email a message to [email protected]

If you do not want to run please consider supporting three amazing BIPOC candidates running as part of the slate supported by Oregon Futures Lab.  These are 

  1. Karen Perez da Silva, running for Beaverton school board,
  2. Maria Cecilia Hinojos Pressey (PCUN) running for Keizer school board
  3. Jaylyn Suppah (MRG foundation, Warm Springs) running for Jefferson School Board Seat 3 (509j)

If you volunteer for those campaigns, please make sure to report back to us and identify yourself as a Green.

Seeking the Green Party Endorsement? 

Please fill this form.  One of our volunteers, from either the state or local will contact you.  

Thank you for running, thank you for your interest!

Support key legislative bills

It is time to contact your representative and senators and press them to co-sponsor or support the following key bills.

Campaign Finance Reform - Measure 107 implementation

Measure 107 passed with 78% of the electorate's support, truly a mandate for meaningful campaign finance reform.  Representative Salinas has emerged as a sponsor and champion of CFR through House Bill 3343.  This will be an uphill struggle, money latches on!! 

==> We need you to take an active role.  Contact your elected officials - here is a script - and let us know if you want to help in other ways

At this point the coalition is seeking additional sponsors for the bill.  Representative Rayfield has resuscitated older bills - but Rayfield's bills have many loopholes, such as unlimited number of caucuses, poor disclosure requirements, etc.

The letter to the Editor linked here, Published in the Portland Tribune on Feb 10, explains what are the key points to highlight in your correspondence with legislators.  Contact [email protected] if you want to help; we need to call Green Party members to contact their elected officials NOW.

We will have a training session for phone banking Sat Mar 13, 11am to demand meaningful campaign finance reform.  Sign-up here

Ranked Choice Voting 

Did you know the Oregon Constitution already includes Ranked Choice Voting?  Representative Rayfield and Senator Golden have introduced the following bills.  Please join and volunteer with Ranked Choice Voting Oregon.  Coalition partners include Apano, Urban League, Oregon Student Association, Forward Together, etc.  Link here for a One Pager on RCV in Oregon

Electoral Reform RoundtableHB 2678:  Specifies Ranked Choice Voting for non partisan races across the state, except where home rule charter applies

HB 2686:  Requires that any voting machine or vote tally system approved by the Secretary of State be compatible with elections conducted by ranked-choice voting and other systems

SB 343:   assists counties that adopt RCV to purchase compatible equipment

Other important bills

Information forthcoming; including labor-related and healthcare bills

Sources of information on current bills

Measure for 2022

Oregon people's Rebate

A very elegant initiative that will bring money back to every single resident in Oregon as a rebate from sales of mega corporations doing business in Oregon.  There is no incentive for businesses to leave the state, as they want our money.  But a small fraction of that money will come back to Oregonians instead of lining the pockets of the 1%.

Currently, the campaign is gathering the first 1,000 signatures from across the state for the sponsorship phase of the initiative petition campaign.  Let's have Greens be a key ally in collecting this small number of signatures. The rebate has the potential to bring large sums of money to depressed rural areas.  Oregon has one the the lowest corporate taxes in the country.  Make this a reality by helping to get the rebate on the ballot in 2022.  The full text can be found here.

Option 1: Request a signature sheet (and postage-paid return envelope) at 
Option 2: Print your own e-sheet at


Showing 2 reactions

  • Nathalie Paravicini
    published this page in Elections 2022-06-22 22:22:05 -0700
  • Trisha Driscoll
    published this page in Elections 2021-02-14 19:47:21 -0800