How to submit a signature petition for yourself and friends


Many people can't afford the time to circulate or canvass, so we offer the following method by which you can sign and submit a petition just with your own signature, or better yet a few signatures you've gathered from family, friends, and neighbors.

  We have four petitions available to sign.  The good news is that it's easy:

  1. for each petition, print out the signature page on one side, and the statement on the other.  All the petitions and instructions for printing can be found here.
  2. on line 1 of the signature page, sign, date (make sure you use mm/dd/yy format, i.e. 07/25/16), print your name and address.  add other signatures on the remaining lines.
  3. cross out any blank remaining blank lines
  4. at the bottom, in the Circulator Certification section, enter the same information as in #2

To view an example of a single signature petition, click here.

Mail the completed petitions to:

Pacific Green Party
PO Box 1606
Eugene OR 97440

Lastly, send an email to [email protected] to let us know there are petitions coming in the mail.

Thanks so much for your support!