The Pacific Green Party of Oregon endorsed Ranked Choice Voting legislation; three House Bills sponsored by Representative Dan Rayfield would implement Ranked Choice Voting at the state, county and municipal levels. A Senate Bill sponsored by Senator Golden formally allows counties to use Ranked Choice Voting.
Ranked Choice Voting is a proven electoral reform that enhances voter choice, eliminates the third party spoiler effect, and saves on the cost of staging run-off elections. In addition, with secure off-grid electronic counting, and Oregon’s paper ballot, elections can be authenticated for accuracy very efficiently.
The Pacific Greens are making a full court press to get the word out about the House and Senate Bills:
-- HB 2678 which creates RCV for nonpartisan offices & major party primaries
-- HB 2685 which creates RCV for use in military & overseas ballots
-- HB 2686 which requires that all future voting tabulator purchases include capability for RCV
-- SB 343, sponsored by Senator Golden, allows counties to use RCV.
-- HB 2685 which creates RCV for use in military & overseas ballots
-- HB 2686 which requires that all future voting tabulator purchases include capability for RCV
-- SB 343, sponsored by Senator Golden, allows counties to use RCV.
“We are inviting our members to write to their elected representatives and request the bills get a hearing, and be passed into law,” said Nathalie Paravicini, PGP spokesperson for Ranked Choice Voting.
“If the legislators won’t pass the bills into law, Plan B is to ask for a ballot referral,” said Mary Geddry, State Coordinating Committee Cochair.
“If the legislators won’t pass the bills into law, Plan B is to ask for a ballot referral,” said Mary Geddry, State Coordinating Committee Cochair.
Oregon Ranked Choice Voting Advocates, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, is working to educate the public about the advantages of this more democratic voting method. See
Meanwhile, PGP encourages all Oregonians to write to their elected representatives and show their support for Ranked Choice Voting legislation.
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