The state convention will take place online. Registered Green Party members MUST preregister in order to participate and vote. Absentee voting starts today, June 3rd and ends on June 6th, 4:30pm. Information about the agenda, candidates, proposals and registration form can be found on the convention page.
Once you are verified to be a registered Green Party member, you will receive an email with the zoom link to the convention, and a second email from OpaVote with your ballot.
We take the opportunity of this message to stand in solidarity with our Black, Indigenous, People of Color and other marginalized sisters and brothers. We commit to continue learning about how to dismantle inherited racism. We mourn with you the deaths and many tragedies and injustices that continue to befall those without priviledge. We vow to channel the pain and rage felt throughout the country against those who continue rigging the system for their benefit, at our cost.
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