*** Preliminary result of presidential delegate allocations: Hawkins 3, Hunter 2, Sedinam 1, Dennis 1. IRV tabulation has been emailed to all voters. Read this explanation of how proportional allocation was made for round 5, the earliest round where each remaining candidate qualified for a delegate by Hare/LR.
Close US Senate contest: Taher 34, Lugo 26.
All unopposed candidates were nominated by large margins:
CD 3 (DiBlasi): https://www.opavote.com/reports/6477505458339840/2?style=txt
CD 4 (Hoffay): https://www.opavote.com/reports/6477505458339840/3?style=txt
Sec of State (Paravicini): https://www.opavote.com/reports/6477505458339840/4?style=txt
State House 17 (Dehne): https://www.opavote.com/reports/6477505458339840/5?style=txt
State House 23 (Polikoff): https://www.opavote.com/results/6477505458339840/6
Benton Co Commission (Beilstein): https://www.opavote.com/results/6477505458339840/7
Treasurer (Henry (P)): https://www.opavote.com/results/6477505458339840/8
Due to COVID19, the Nominating Convention will take place online via Zoom meeting. No physical location is planned.
To take part, you must fill the Nominating Convention Preregistration.
Voters registered Pacific Green for the primary election (i.e, the voter list as of April 28, 2020) are eligible to vote for candidates at the convention. Supporting members who have met the threshold for donations or equivalent volunteer time during the year ending 30 days before the convention may vote on internal party matters.
Nominating Convention Draft Agenda
For more information, please email [email protected] or call (541) 516-6059
The presidential candidates recognized by GPUS presidential campaign support committee are: David Rolde, Dario Hunter, Howie Hawkins
Declared Candidates not recognized by GPUS committee: Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry, Chad Wilson, Dennis Lambert, Susan Buchser Lochocki, Kent Mesplay.
Jesse Ventura has considered running but has confirmed to us that he is not a candidate. We appreciate his interest and endorsement of the Green Party and wish him the best.
Voting will be conducted via an electronic voting server. Voters registered PGP as of April 28 who complete this form will receive a unique access email to cast their vote. We started sending ballots Wednesday, June 3 at 8 a.m. This is not a deadline; you may still sign up to receive a ballot after this time. If you expect to have received a ballot and aren't seeing it, first check your spam box, then contact us. Voting will close on June 6th at 4:30pm after candidates have presented at the convention.
Delegates to the national convention will be apportioned by proportional party-list using IRV elimination of non-qualifying candidates. Delegates will be chosen from among PGP members through a process TBA soon. Sign up if you're interested in being one.
PGP Candidates for Oregon Federal and State Partisan Offices
U.S. Senate: Ibrahim Taher, Emma Lugo
Secretary of State: Nathalie Paravicini
U.S. Congress, District 3: Alex DiBlasi
U.S. Congress, District 4: Daniel Hoffay
Oregon State Representative, District 23: Alex Polikoff
Oregon State Representative, District 17: Tim Dehne
Benton County Board of Commissioners: Mike Beilstein
Non-PGP Candidates seeking PGP co-nomination:
Oregon Treasurer: Chris Henry