21 May 2016 Nominating Convention


Agenda latest update 19 May 2016

Date: 21 May 2016
Time: 10 am-4 pm
Location: Westminster House, 101 NW 23rd at Monroe, Corvallis OR 97330

Registered Green Party members are invited attend this convention to vote on selecting candidates to appear on the November ballot, to endorse ballot initiatives, and various other matters. Read more to get full agenda details.  Changes in this update include adding Joe Rowe as Green Party candidate for House District 44, and deleting fossil fuel initiative as it is dead.

Updated Agenda for PGP Spring Convention, May 21, 2016
(revised 11 May 2016)

Time: 10 am-4 pm

Location: Westminster House, 101 NW 23rd at Monroe, Corvallis OR 97330

(You must be a registered voter with the Pacific Green Party to vote at the convention.)

Vote on proposal to reduce size of Coordinating Committee

Initiative endorsements and updates:

Community Rights (update)
Health Care for All (update)
Multnomah County Campaign Finance Reform (endorsement)
Statewide Campaign Finance Reform Amendment (endorsement)
No Fake Emergencies (endorsement)
RCV Benton County (endorsement)

Voting for Presidential candidates and delegate selection for national convention:

Click here for a list of the Green Party Presidential candidates along with links to their social media sites.

Candidate nominations:

Decide on voting process
Reports on chapter candidate endorsements for non-partisan offices

Benton County Commissioner (Tim Dehne)
U.S. House District 3 (Michael Meo)
Oregon House District 44 (Joe Rowe) - visit Joe's website and facebook page
Secretary of State (Alan Zundel) - read Alan's candidacy statement by clicking here

U.S. Senate (Emma Lugo?)

Fusion candidate:

Jeffrey Goodwin, running for Oregon House of Representatives District 17 

Platform proposals (removed from agenda)

Scheduling of next convention

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