Call for Youth Caucus vote on Co-sponsorship of the GPUS Economic Democracy Platform Amendment


A few weeks ago, the Young Greens proposed an amendment to the Green Party's platform that rejects capitalism in favor of more sustainable, just, and democratic economic models. After hearing comments via email, our website, and Facebook, the YGUS Steering Committee has unanimously endorsed the proposal, and calls on all Young Greens to lobby their state’s National Committee members to vote to pass the amendment.

See the full text of the amendment here.
See the YGUS Steering Committee’s statement of endorsement below.
Contact us here if you need contact info for you National Committee members.

We are now asking Youth Caucus members to vote in a poll on whether the caucus as a whole should co-sponsor the amendment alongside several other state Green Parties and GPUS caucuses.

Voting closes at 12am ET (midnight), Wednesday, March 16 (a 7-day voting period).

The Steering Committee suggests a 'YES' vote, to voice that the next generation of Greens stands alongside many others in the party in fighting for a non-exploitative economic model that works for all persons and the for the planet--and that this is integral to the future of the Green Party.

In solidarity, on International Women's Day,

Mike Dennis
National Committee, Alternate Delegate
Youth Caucus Steering Committee
Green Party of the United States

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