Oregonian excludes Green candidate for Governor
The Oregonian is seeking questions to ask only 2 gubernatorial candidates. It is also reporting on planned debates between only two candidates for governor and only two for U.S. Senator. This would be a good time to comment on this articles, call the reporters who wrote them, call editors at the Oregonian and WRITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Democracy only works when voters are fully informed. There is no reason to discriminate against grassroots, independent candidates. There is no reason to favor candidates who belong to certain political parties or who accept campaign "contributions" from corporations. The media should not censor or act as a gatekeeper for the electoral process. Voters should be informed about all candidates and make up their own minds. Please call, comment, write and agitate! |
Demand Police De-militarization
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon expresses solidarity with the good people of Ferguson, Missouri and elsewhere, and demands that local police be de-militarized!
JUST OUT!Order and wear the button shown to the left, in support of the justice for all. Button is 1.25" Union printed and made in Detroit. |
Nominating Convention Results
Voting results from our Corvallis Nominating Convention held August 9th are in, and we are excited to announce the following nominations: Christina Lugo - candidate for US Senate Jason Levin - candidate for Oregon Governor Art Krueger - candidate for Oregon Senate District 3 More details under the fold. |
Gather Signatures for Mike Beilstein
Mike Beilstein - Green Party candidate for the 4th Congressional District, has until August 12th to submit 300 signatures from voters registered in the district in lieu of paying $2,500 to place a statement/argument in the state voters' pamphlet. This is a huge expense for our candidates. A copy of Mike's petition ready for printing and circulation is available below the fold. Signed petitions should be given to Mike (see Campaign page for contact details) BEFORE August 12th. Note to all candidates - details on submitting signatures in lieu of paying voter pamphlet fees is provided below the fold. |