Important Message for Bernie Supporters

Bernie_Pledge_2016.png   If you are a Pacific Green Party member who has changed your voter registration to Democrat in order to vote for Bernie Sanders in the May 2016 primary, please protect grassroots democracy in Oregon and make a pledge to re-register with the Pacific Green Party after the primary.  The number of voters we have registered in our party is vital to our ability to place Green Party candidates on your ballot.
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Jill Stein to file suit against Commission on Presidential Debates


The Green Party, presidential candidate Jill Stein, the Libertarian Party, and others will file suit in U.S. District Court in Washington on September 29 alleging “that the Commission on Presidential Debates is in violation of the venerable old anti-trust laws, the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act.  

Full article is available here: Ballot Access Newsreports.

Help the Benton Food Freedom Campaign

Final_Jan_Logo_Text.png   This week we're organizing a Lawn Sign Canvass Blitz right before the ballots are mailed out on April 30th -- just 5 days away, and we need everyone's help! If you can spare a few hours of your time, please sign up for a volunteer shift this week and help us cover Benton County in YES on 2-89!
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Help Elect Michael Sonnleitner



Help Michael Sonnleitner win the May 2015 election for Portland Community College Board of Directors (Zone 3).  ELECT a PCC teacher to the PCC Board for the first time! To find out more about Michael's campaign, visit his campaign sites:

Zone 3 PCC  and Facebook Page

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Lane County Chapter Monthly meetups

GREEN_CIRCLE1.PNG   2nd Wednesday of each month the Lane County Chapter has a gathering at the Grower's Market conference room, located across from the Amtrak station, starting at 7 p.m.