Greens Call for Green Economy to Combat Climate Change
Greens Call for Green Economy to Combat Climate Change
Greens blast corporate cash-in from looming climate disasters and economic collapse; call for new economic paradigm to address effects of climate change.
Betting on disaster brings profit for a few while the public pays the real cost in terms of pubic health and infrastructure.
A Green New Deal will provide “green jobs” to aid transition away from fossil fuel economy.
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The Pacific Green Party condemns Oregon SCR 9, "Condemning BDS"
The Pacific Green Party says: Hands Off Venezuela!
The Oregon Pacific Green Party opposes attempts by the Trump administration to foment a coup in Venezuela. This destabilization of Venezuela follows more than a century of North American interference to gain control of natural resources, exploitable land and labor to benefit USA corporations in Latin America. Since Hugo Chavez's election in 1999, USA administrations have attacked the Venezuelan people through economic sabotage, propaganda and direct support of anti-government "resistance" groups. Most recently the USA administration urged Juan Guaido, the conservative Speaker ofVenezuela's parliament, to declare himself President, akin to Nancy Pelosi declaring herself the President of the United States at the urging of a foreign power. There is no constitutional basis for Guaido's claim, nor popular support for the regime change sought by Wall Street and international oil companies. If regime change is supported by the majority ofVenezuelan voters, let Venezuelans decide that in the next Presidential election.
Continue readingCongratulations on passing Measure 101!
The Pacific Green Party stands for healthcare as a right and extends its thanks to all the voters in Oregon who overwhelmingly approved ballot measure 101 to impose hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes on hospitals, health insurers, and managed care companies to cover the costs of expanding Medicaid in the state. Nonetheless, this is a short term fix and we continue to press for a single-payer healthcare system covering everyone with no restrictions or qualifications.