Linn-Benton Monthly Chapter Meetings
The Linn-Benton chapter of the PGP meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at Westminster House in Corvallis on the corner of 23rd and Monroe Avenue. |
A View From Oregon
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Commentary by Blair Bobier, cofounder of the Pacific Green Party.
I feel sorry for John Kitzhaber—the soon to be ex-Governor of Oregon. He’s accomplished a lot, he loves this great state of ours and he seems like a decent enough guy ... |
Oppose Jordan Cove LNG Project
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Multinational energy interests have plans for a massive fossil fuel infrastructure project called Jordan Cove to send fracked gas from Canada and the Rockies through southern Oregon to the north spit of Coos Bay for export by ships bound for Asia. Sign Oregon Wild's petition to stop the Jordan Cove LNG Project.
Oregon needs a New Vision
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By Brian Setzler, MBA, CPA. The old vision, the one this country was founded on, doesn’t work. The human race is having a lethal impact upon the world. Lakes are dying, seas are dying, forests are dying, the land itself is dying – for reasons directly traceable to our activities. As many as a hundred and forty species are vanishing every day—for reasons directly traceable to our activities. The old vision, grow. |
Pacific Green Party Celebrates Victories
Pacific Green Party
CONTACT: Blair Bobier at 503.559.6176 or [email protected]
Measure 90 Fails while 91 Succeeds
First Green Judge Elected
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon, long at the forefront of social change, is celebrating the beginning of the end of cannabis Prohibition, as well as the resounding rejection of the billionaire-backed top two ballot measure. Greens are also celebrating the re-election of multi-term Corvallis City Councilor Mike Beilstein and the first election of a Green judge in the history of the state (we think).
Referring to the defeat of Measure 90 and the passage of Measure 91, party spokesperson Blair Bobier said “more Oregonians agree with the policies and philosophy of the Green Party than any other party. And now that top two has been rejected overwhelmingly for the second time, despite the millions of dollars behind it, we need to consider real changes to the election system, such as Instant Runoff Voting and public campaign financing.”
Bobier added that “the Pacific Green Party will file a ballot initiative for Instant Runoff Voting for the 2016 election and I wouldn’t be surprised to see IRV legislation introduced in the upcoming session of the Oregon legislature.”
One issue where the Greens stand out is opposition to war—in particular the undeclared, endless, illegal war being continually waged by both of the establishment parties. U.S. Senate candidate Christina Lugo, who was, essentially, banned by organizations from debates and shunned or censored by the corporate media, took a markedly different position on the war than did either of her establishment party opponents. Lugo said “Oregonians embrace peace and diplomacy. It is clear that we want a new direction toward peace and environmental restoration and away from violence and the politics of fear."
In Benton County, Circuit Court Judge Matt Donohue was elected to his first full term as a Circuit Court Judge. Judge Donohue took the bench during his previous term as an appointee of the governor. This race, like all other judicial elections in the state, was non-partisan. In Corvallis, multi-term Pacific Green Party city councilor Mike Beilstein was easily re-elected.