PGP news release supporting HB 2015

Pacific Green Party Testimony to the Joint Committee on ​Transportation

In Support of HB 2015

May 1st 2019


The Pacific Green Party supports and urges the passage if HB 2015 because it is the right thing to do economically and morally for the following reasons:

  • The agricultural sector in Oregon represents more than 8 billion US dollars; 1/12 Oregonians are employed in agriculture, which is vital for our rural areas. Safe transportation to and from work and being able to rely on your best employees is vital to these businesses.  The constant disruptions from raids or deportations from traffic tickets are an undue burden on our economy.
  • This bill is about public safety: guaranteeing that those driving are trained and insured; instead of creating a situation that forces workers to “break the law” in order to meet fundamental needs for work and livelihood.  It is also vital for public safety that those who are picking our blueberries and lettuces be able to freely go to the doctor without fear of getting to the clinic.
  • The vote in 2018 repealing measure 205 was loud and clear: after the uneducated vote in 2013 denying drivers licenses, people have affirmed that Oregon is a sanctuary state by a margin of 65%.  Oregonians support the Universal Right of all people to work peacefully to feed their families, without the fear of unjust persecution.
  • Immigrants are not criminals; they are not coming to break laws but to seek refuge and hope. They are fellow human beings, neighbors, friends, family, and colleagues; part of Oregon's great economy and community.  We are all immigrants, children of immigrants, natives peoples and descendants of those brought here involuntarily.

It is the US criminal foreign policy that has fueled a safety crisis in Central America.  The US has actively participated or supported military coups of democratically elected governments[1]; deported known gang members to countries without the capacity to retrain or address crime[2]; and ignored the threat of climate change[3].

Therefore, we, members of the Pacific Green Party, urge the members of the transportation subcommittee to approve the bill and submit it for a vote floor.


PGP Coordinating Committee


[1] Guatemala (1954-1996), El Salvador (19079-1981), Nicaragua (1985-1987), Panama  (1990), Honduras (2009)







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