Help define the future of the Pacific Green Party 2024 and beyond!

Brian Setzler has issued a call for a new Pacific Greens constitution based on a distributed network of self-organizing membership cells. 

We invite all registered members of the Pacific Green Party to participate in the development of updated bylaws which incorporate advanced principles liquid democracy and true grassroots participation.  We are hosting a series of meetings in August and September to throw out the vestiges of patriarchal hierarchical structures and adopt an organizing model that will elevate the grassroots, balancing autonomy and accountability, individualism and the common good.

Once updated bylaws are adopted in September, Felipe Lora is going to lead the effort to develop a multi-year strategic plan to guide our efforts.  ON the agenda is also na update of campaigns and petition drives in 2024.  The time is now, don't sit on the sidelines.  You are the one who needs to define our common future.  The planet as we know it can't wait.

We are using the Large Group Consensus process, modeled after the Haudenosaunee (known to American colonists as the Iroquois Federation), to develop a consensus document for review and approval at the convention.  Register to attend

Here are the current proposals being discussed for final submission to the convention.  

Join the conversation by sending an empty email to [email protected].

Brian writes
The PGP has been around for more than 25 years now.  The Green Party, along with the Libertarian Party, is the only party that has remained a nationwide alternative to the existing big-money duopoly.  While we have an amazing history and some significant accomplishments, we continue to create outcomes that fall far short of our individual and collective aspirations. 
My goal is to help us rewire the PGP by changing the systemic structures and mental models that are holding us back from achieving our lofty goals.
The changes being proposed here are small but profound...systemic solutions that will change the patterns of events we hope to alter.  
The current proposal is to:
  • Elevate the importance, development, and activity of members and chapters,  
  • Create an active network based on the theory of Complex Adaptive Systems
  • To change the role (and perhaps name) of the State Coordinating Committee (SCC)
What is not changing:
  • Our Mission Statement or Statement of Principles
  • Candidates elected at conventions
  • Bylaws changes at conventions
  • Statewide fundraising to statewide PAC
  • A convention elected, centralized statewide body (currently known as the SCC) to handle important tasks/duties (TBD)

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  • Pacific Green Party
    published this page in News 2023-08-11 07:49:41 -0700