Pacific Green Party Convention August 14, 2004
Cramer Hall, Portland State University
Attendance: 35
Facilitator: Lori Burton
Recorder of minutes: Monica Schreiber
1) Intro & Facilitator’s Box: Lori 2) Approval of agenda: approved 3) Minutes of last convention: not included in convention packet; no vote to accept taken. 4) Nomination Vote Explanation of nomination process: Peter Drake, elections administrator Further PGP nominations asked for Pavel Goberman: nominating himself from the floor, submitted request for nomination Seth Wooley- nominating committee-debated over the e-mail whether to accept Pavel’s nomination A) rejected on the basis had he had tried to run on Republican ticket B) had lost on “none of the above” in 2002 Sore loser law doesn’t apply; this office is different from U.S. Senate. Peter Drake: nominating committee is empowered to make the decision. Nomination is rejected. Teresa Keane: submitted forms to and approved by elections committee Asking for show of support from attendees: money and volunteers Has taken leave of absence from job Has no political experience Will run on Green Party platform against David Wu, U.S. House, District 1 Issues to address: universal health care health care for mentally ill Health care for prison inmates Living wage Foreign policy - peace Needs $1,000.00 for voter’s pamphlet Will be a full-time candidate Will build own team, raise own money, execute own plan Will work as a team with other candidates (from other parties) Will exploit differences, is clear on principles Voting results: registered Greens vote for Oregon 1st congressional district: 23 votes - Teresa Keane 2 votes - Pavel Goberman Decision item___: Teresa Keane receives the nomination for 1st Congressional District 5) Safe States Strategy: Lloyd Marbet presents opposition for this strategy from Oregon, and revisit decision #2004-027 from Feb 2004 — convention support of Green Party of the U.S. presidential results for Oregon ballot. Lloyd: willing to put out ballot mailing to all state members; commitment to including all PGP members in convention decisions. Greg Kafoury: advocates rejecting safe states strategy Proposed Resolution 2: Pacific Green Party of Oregon rejects any Safe State Strategy and calls upon all state Green parties to do the same. We call on all voters to reject any candidate that does not oppose the Iraqi War. Proposed Resolution 1: (offered by Blair Bobier): Pacific Green Party encourages National Green Party candidates to run vigorously in Oregon and in all states regardless of projected electoral outcome. Process debate- concern that a vote is being taken without attention to the decision of the prior convention Call for stand asides: Jeff Cropp, Paul Thiers, Jeff Strang Jeff Cropp- Proposed Declaration 1 is arrogant and negative Paul Thiers- we are going from a more representative process to a process of a few people that are here at this convention Jeff Strang- supports Proposed Declaration 1 and agrees with Jeff Cropp’s argument; Proposed Declaration 2 is telling rest of parties what to do Block: Peter Drake — wants to keep safe states strategy; this current decision is not the will of the party as a whole. He agrees to Declarations 1 and 2, but is against the process of adopting it at this convention; this is a moral issue for him. More discussion: It was decided to combine both resolutions and reach a decision using both 2nd call of issue: Stand asides- Curt Sommer, Mitch Besser, Jeff Strang, Paul Thiers, Peter Drake, George Hutchinson Block: Ron Brandstetter — does not believe this statement represents the greater Pacific Green Party Call for vote: 29 total eligible to vote 10-for 6-abstentions 7-against passes- over 51% for. Decision Item___: Resolution: The Pacific Green Party encourages National Green Party candidates to run vigorously in Oregon and in all states regardless of projected electoral outcome. The Pacific Green Party of Oregon rejects any Safe State Strategy and calls upon other parties to do the same. We call on all parties to reject any candidate that does not oppose the Iraqi War. Circulated: petitions for Nader on Oregon Ballot 6) Lunch 7) Initiatives on November Ballot Brief introduction and proposed support/non-support #33- amends medical marijuana act one stand aside: Greg Kern - extraneous issue, evasive, not a pain medication Decision Item___: #33 - The Pacific Green Party supports Measure 33 #34- requires balancing timber production, resources conservation/preservation in managing state forests: specifically addresses two forests discussion: proviso: condemnation of clear cuts impact on watershed support rather than lose the whole forest go out of fear- if don’t do this won’t have any forest can’t avoid affecting the watershed large environmental organizations: want to show they are doing something for the environment who to align with if we support this? Decision Item___: #34 - Pacific Green Party supports Measure 34 with provisions to be crafted by the Central Coordinating Committee in consultation with Tim Hermach and Joe Keating vote- 18 total votes 7 stand asides: Steve Geiger, Paul Loney, Liz Trojan, Lloyd Marbet, Curt Sommer, Chris Henry, Seth Wooley Decision Item___: #31 - Pacific Green Party does not support Measure 31; means a no vote Decision Item___: #32 - Mobile homes: PGP supports Measure 32, 1 stand aside Teresa Keane Decision Item___: #35 - Amends constitution: Limits non-economic damages (defined) recoverable for patient injuries by healthcare provider’s negligence or recklessness, PGP Opposes Measure 35. Decision Item___: #36 - Amends constitution: Only marriage between one man and one woman is valid or legally recognized as marriage, PGP Opposes Measure 36. Decision Item___: #37 - Governments must pay owners, or forgo enforcement, when certain land use restrictions reduce property value, PGP Opposes Measure 37. Decision Item___: #38 - Abolishes SAIF; State must reinsure, satisfy SAIF’s obligations; dedicate proceeds, potential surplus, to public purposes, PGP Opposes Measure 38. Action Item***Provision to Central Coordinating Committee: accountable language, SAIF is a service organization, provides and protects health care of all citizens, all workers get health care 8. What to do to help candidates: mailing list of voters, web sites, campaign literature- Party does one piece for all candidates, voter pamphlet statements, bank accounts, political committee PAC treasurer, interviews Publicity- Joseph Witt- 503-231-8032 ext 215 Support demand to be in debates and on panels Green Party campaign material: Steve Geiger’s son designed his web page, maybe he can help others. National has a template available for web site, you can update yourself. In-kind donation value: $995. Send out photos and press releases together to media; Chuck: media point-person Monday, August 23rd- 11am, State Capital- press meeting room. Jeff Strang to call to reserve the space. 9. Closing and Evaluation Do Better facilitation slow down when attendees excited or there is contention weaving be aware to call on womyn participation refreshments diversity in the facilitation - teamwork speaker for issues actual text of initiatives more candidate recruitment more appeal for diversity in attendees more willingness to come to consensus Respectfully submitted Aug. 23, 2003: Monica Schreiber