February 19, 2005 Pacific Green Party State Convention Minutes - Draft
Facilitator – Lori Burton
Minute Taker – don’t have her name
Attendance: 35
Please include all documentation/links to info we have along with these minutes.
Next convention venue: Ashland – June, 2005, exact date and place to be determined after Jackson County chapter meets.
Decision 02/19/05-01 – Item 1- Agenda approved as written with revisions (wait on expulsion item until presenter arrives.)
Item 2 – Intro/proposal – Bylaws Revision Proposal. How to allow SCC to handle unforeseen changes in candidate seats after nomination by convention. Was proposed in an attempt to address former situation during last election cycle. Concern: should SCC ever have this authority, candidates should known well beforehand where their district is and which seat to run for. This proposal was sent to working group.
Teresa Keane-convener.
Item 3 – Disc/Dec – Presenter Jeff Strang - Expulsion of SCC members George Hutchinson, Seth Wooley, Chris Henry for allowing candidate Teresa Keane to change seat from US Representative to US Senate after previous convention nomination for Representative in last election cycle. Presenter contends that this was only option as there were no other methods to address such an issue. Wants recognition of illegality of SCC action.
Alternative proposals offered: censure or reprimand in lieu of expulsion (and what would that mean?), and or apology from members involved.
SCC member Matt Donohue presented Secretary of State jurisdiction and findings on the matter; no jurisdiction on legality, is an internal issue, PGP needs to handle it internally.
Teresa Keane presented course of events immediately (her district had just been altered from 5 to 1 by gerrymander) after the convention and why it was felt to be the best option for her as a candidate and for they PGP to have a state-wide race. She was told by Jeff (on the SCC at that time) that he would support her change to US Representative district 5 (that would also have been a change from the nominated seat), but he and Liz Trojan (then SCC co-chair) wouldn’t support a switch to senate.
SCC members involved (George, Seth, Chris) spoke to their motivations on this issue. Each contends it was the best option at the time and was in the best interest of the party to have this candidate run a statewide race (over 43,000 votes were obtained). They also stated that this was a one-time anomaly and probably wouldn’t happen again (with proper candidate preparation – which will be required).
**Decision Item 02/19/05-02 State Coordinating Committee (SCC) members Seth Wooley, George Hutchinson, and Chris Henry be expelled from the SCC for violating Bylaws Section IX. A. 1a) — please include text of bylaw.
It was felt by some members that more discussion was needed, also to not get involved in legalistic bylaws details as it is not the heart of the Greens. Vote held: results 2 yes, 21 no, 11 stand asides.
Item 4: Presentations were made on legislative items:
Senate Bill 502 BioPharm 4 year moratorium, Senate Bill 962 Phase out toxic flame retardants
Senate Bill 294 Industrial Hemp
CFR Statute – initiative driven George Hutchinson, PGP liaison
House Bill 2638 – IRV
Also covered were; upcoming anti-Patriot Act legislative resolution (Protecting the Oregon Constitution Act), medical marijuana legislation, possible sustainable forestry legislation.
Item 5: National Green report: Paul Loney gave a report for the GPUS. Caucuses are open for participation: Lavendar, Disability, Women’s, Black, and Rural. Contact Paul for more details at HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected]” [email protected].
Item 6: Ohio and IRV: Blair Bobier gave a report on the Ohio vote scandal and effort of the Greens to force a recount in that state, and the subsequent recount violations. He also presented information on the IRV (Instant Runoff Voting) bill in Salem. It’s House Bill 2638, and would enable Oregonians to use instant runoff voting methods for local elections.
Item 7: SCC Elections (and Affirmations): SCC appointed members Teresa Keane, George Grosch, and Eric Burnett (who subsequently resigned) were all affirmed by the convention.
**Decision Item 02/19/05 -03 The PGP convention supports these three appointees to the SCC.
SCC Elections: Upcoming SCC elections in June. One open position now. Seven is the maximum number for the SCC in constitution. Kurt Sommer and Samantha Burton accepted nominations to fill the remaining seat and/or to run for SCC seats in June. Pam was also nominated and will do some more research before June.
Item 8: Strategy Session: Next Steps – Where do we go from Here? Matt Donohue
Theme: 50/50 by 2010 – 50,000 registered Green voters in Oregon, 50 qualified Green candidates running.
Interim Goals for 2006:
Determine open seat races
Develop calendar of seat openings, circulate locally and then through the SCC.
Recruit candidates early – seek out progressives you admire. We represent the majority of Oregonians; we need to articulate our issues to bring then to the forefront in elections. Think about what we can offer a progressive candidate. Possible endorsements by chapters of local candidates can make a difference – Ashland endorsed 3 candidates and assisted with their campaigns in a variety of ways. A candidate for Mayor and 2 council members. None began Green, but all won and one council member subsequently became a Green due to this positive interaction.
Be Consistent: develop a few key issues for Green candidates to focus on next election and put them in all party literature. Have 3-4 articulated positions to focus on. Use our 10 key values for policy development. Keep solutions community driven and solution oriented.
Governor election a possible 4-way race.
VOLUNTEER to run or help with elections!! Think about what job you would like to do and let the SCC know, they are currently serving as the elections committee.
Tripling Green registrations – focus on youth. Green Party chapters in High Schools, on college campuses. Offer internships and community service hours to assist with electoral tasks and party building tasks.
Note: We will set aside strategy session time at each state meeting.
Item 9: Announcements:
Green Party Campaign School in Seattle the first weekend in April. Cost: $35 Check website for details.
Upcoming World Environment Day celebrations in June – Earth Heroes Awards in Jackson County June 5.
Item 10: Closing and Adjournment
Did Well: Great Hosts, respect by members for each other, good transition from conflict to good feelings, facilitation, minute taker, refreshments
Do Better: Stick to agenda, more realistic time on agenda items when discussion involved, documentation on website, more clarity during discussion time, use dark markers for flip chart, publicize convention better, food