Upcoming Convention Salem, December 1 & 2
The Women's Caucus is organizing a campaign skills share and strategy session on Saturday for elections in 2020 (and 2019). Party business and voting will take place on Sunday. Contact [email protected] to register, please indicate whether you need accommodations, transportation or childcare.
Agenda for Dec. Convention
Venue: Ike Box, 299 Cottage St NE, Salem, OR
Saturday Dec. 1st11am-4pm: Campaign Strategy and skills share sponsored by the women's caucus (space is limited please register on this list).
6:30-11pm: Social at 480 Vista Ave SE, Salem
Sunday Dec. 2: Business Convention
Note: Timing is normally set by facilitator(s). Times are tentative.
9:00: Doors open;
10:00: Call to order, attendance, introductions; name facilitator, notetaker, timekeeper.
10:30: Assessment of election results.
11:00: Elect new secretary and 2 SCC members with expiring terms.
11:30: Chapter recruitment and review.
12:30 - 1:30: Lunch
1:30: Proposed bylaws change: Raise SCC membership back to 7, keep quorum at 4, to facilitate reaching quorum.
2:30: Treasury, fundraising, expenses. What can we do to help with fundraising? Proposal: set up specific goals, such as outreach to all members.
3:30: Set date and place for next convention.
4:30: End.