Workers Strike Back Organizing Conference

Pacific Green Party delegates to the GPUS National Committee, Mike Beilstein (Corvallis) and Justin Filip (Eugene), have voted to endorse the Workers Strike Back Organizing Conference, February 22, 2025, and to send two members of the Steering Committee to participate.

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Know your rights.

Woman holding a red card that reads, in Spanish: Usted tiene derechos constitucionales: •NO ABRA LA PUERTA si un agente de inmigración está tocando la puerta. •NO CONTESTE NINGUNA PREGUNTA de un agente de inmigración si trata de hablar con usted. Usted tiene el derecho a guardar silencio. •NO FIRME NADA sin antes hablar con un abogado. Usted tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado. • Si usted está fuera de su casa, pregúntele al agente si tiene la libertad de irse y si le dice que sí, váyase con tranquilidad. •ENTRÉGUELE ESTA TARJETA EL AGENTE. Si usted está dentro de su casa, muestre la tarjeta por la ventana o pásela debajo de la puerta.

The Pacific Green Party wants you to know your rights! The ACLU and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) have put together some helpful resources. Know what to do if you encounter ICE. The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.

To make your own red cards, visit the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC). They have downloads available in several languages. Distribute them at your workplace, your school, with your friends and colleagues, and in the the community.

Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them. Whether you are interacting with ICE, are under DACA, or facing employment/student discrimination, it is important to be informed of your rights and stay prepared for any scenario.- ACLU

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Beyond Land Acknowledgements

“Beyond Land Acknowledgements”: 'RETHINKING LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' with Steph Littlebird (Indigenous Peoples Day 2023)

The Pacific Green Party, like many other organizations, has read land acknowledgements before our meetings. But we invite our members to think beyond land acknowledgements. What comes after we acknowledge the land & its Native stewards? How can individuals & institutions contribute to lasting changes & be true allies for Indigenous communities?

With the rise in popularity of land acknowledgements, Indigenous artist Steph Littlebird asks us to reexamine this trend & go beyond the statement. Learn more about past & present Native identity, how to look critically at land acknowledgements, move past words & toward action.

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Winter Convention Recap

We are pleased to announce Pacific Green Party members Ken Adams, James Dashiell, Josiah Dean, and Teddy Holt were elected to the State Coordinating Committee (SCC) at the Winter Convention. Voting closed Tuesday night at 8 pm. The four newly elected members of the SCC join Greg Bourget, Mary Geddry, and Amy L. Sacks who still have another year remaining on their 2-year terms.

James Dashiell, a 2024 candidate for Benton County Commissioner, said he would like to help "promote a culture of cooperation and teamwork within the Green Party here in Oregon."

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The Pacific Green Party met its goal of maintaining ballot access in Oregon.

"In order to nominate candidates to partisan office at subsequent general elections, the minor political party must maintain its status by achieving:

A) Registered party members equal to at least .1% of all votes cast for Governor in the electoral district in which the party formed and

B) At least once in a 4-year period, total votes cast for a party candidate are equal to at least 1% of all votes cast for the office of US President, US Senator, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, or Attorney General in the electoral district in which the party formed. 

-Secretary of State, Elections Division

While the election results have yet to be certified, we can safely say the Pacific Green candidate for Secretary of State cleared this requirement by a comfortable margin. Thank you to the voters for helping the Pacific Green Party maintain its ballot access!