For immediate release: January 13, 2016
Contact: Seth Woolley at 503.953.3943 or
Blair Bobier at 503.559.6176
Jill Stein, the party’s 2012 nominee and 2016 front-runner,
will discuss her participation at COP 21 and the future of the climate justice movement
Green Party Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein will talk about the future of the climate justice movement and her participation in last month’s Paris conference on climate change at a free public presentation in Portland, on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at the Peace House, 2116 NE 18th, at 7:00 p.m. Stein will be part of a panel featuring activists from 350 PDX and Right to Survive.
While in Portland Stein, a Harvard-educated physician, author and award-winning environmental activist, will also attend a fundraiser on January 20th and hold a press conference on January 21st. The fundraiser, a House Party hosted by Mark and Amanda Smith, will take place on Wednesday at 4 pm at 4219 NE 73rd and is open to the public. After her Portland engagements, Stein will visit Corvallis before she heads to San Diego to participate in a debate with other contenders for the Green Party’s presidential nomination.
Pacific Green Party members in Oregon have served on the Corvallis, Ashland and Salem city councils and include current councilors, planning commissioners and a Circuit Court Judge. Greens serve in hundreds of elected offices throughout the United States and have been elected to parliaments around the world. Green Parties everywhere share a commitment to sustainability, peace, grassroots democracy and racial, social and economic justice. For more information, visit