Public Release: video of the Roundtable on the Elliott State Research Forest Proposal highlights its alleged potential and certain problems

Elliott Forest - Photo by Tim Giraudier

Click on the photo to watch the video  (photo by Tim Giraudier)

The Environmental Roundtable on the Elliott State Research Forest Proposal (part of the Gathering of the Allies meeting held December 5th) sparked an in-depth and robust discussion (almost argument) about the current proposal before the State Land Board, which met today, December 8. 

Watch the video and excellent presentations by Bob Salinger, Doug Pollock, Frances Eatherington, David Chinook Bean, Ken Carloni and others.  There were notable voices missing, particularly that of young people.  A participant sent the following message via chat:  "we all come to this with our own bias. one of the points of view that is missing is the point of view of younger people; it seems almost no one is under 50 let alone 30. There should be much more feedback surrounding global climate change and would be if younger people were involved."


The position of the Pacific Green Party is aligned with our concern for future generations:  the party is opposed to clearcutting and logging of Old Growth forests and destructive practices.  We cannot continue doing what we know is fueling Climate Change, the loss of biodiversity and increasing the danger of fires.

The roundtable also included interesting discussions about the Oregon People's Rebate and its potential impact for local struggling communities; as well as participation by Kat Stone, candidate for Senate Position 1, Patrick Starnes, independent candidate for Governor and David Chinook Bean, one of the founders of Tax Fairness Oregon, an organization pushing for the reinstatement of property and severance taxes.

concerns and demands that need to be cemented in the final arrangements include:  1) no clear cutting, ESPECIALLY no clearcutting in previously uncut and native forests; 2) no spraying, particularly no glyphosates or nicotinoids; a much wider area of protection for riparian areas and 4) clearly defined goals for research, as we know what clear cutting does; but we need to understand better how to restore forests.  Old growth was shown in previous studies to burn at lower temperatures and be more resistant to plantation forests.  PLease watch the video for an increadible wealth of shared information.

Contact the state land board, which is comprised of:

Governor Kate Brown:  State of Oregon: Governor Kate Brown - Home

State Treasurer Tobias Read: [email protected]

Incoming Secretary of State Shemia Fagan: [email protected]

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  • Nathalie Paravicini
    published this page in News 2020-12-08 21:36:23 -0800