It is a sad day when Bernie Sanders bows before a corrupt Democratic party and endorses a war-monger like Hillary Clinton. Do not give up hope! The Green Party has an awesome platform and is running candidates. We invite you to join us and take action to keep the revolution going:
- register as a member of the Pacific Green Party it is easy to do online and vital to our survival
- join our historic campaign to pass a Ranked Choice Voting initiative in Benton County
- donate to our Pacific Green Party ... we only accept donations from real people like you, and it may not cost you a dime!
- donate to Jill Stein's Presidential campaign ... she gets federal matching funds doubling your contribution up to $250
- join or start a new Pacific Green Party county chapter
- volunteer to help our Oregon Green Party candidates
- run for office we have one more candidate nominating convention on 13 August in Portland
- sign a petition to demand Jill Stein be included in all Presidential Debates
Click here to read more about Jill Stein's Green Party platform.
As the Dalai Lama says "be the change you want in the world". Become a member of the Green Party and work for those changes!
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