Vote YES on Measure 89 - Equal Rights Amendment
Our constitution was written in 1859 at a time when women didn't have a right to vote, to own property, and often had little or no educational or vocational opportunities in life other than to be wives and mothers. Women are a majority of citizens in Oregon and 82% of all Oregonians support an Equal Rights Amendment. It is time to bring the Oregon Constitution from the 19th century to the 21st century. It is time to vote yes on Measure 89 to secure the rights of girls and women in Oregon for generations to come. For more info, visit VoteERA website. |
Demand OPB include ALL qualified candidates
OPB sent a response to an inquiry regarding election debates indicating that they are considering NOT including EVERY QUALIFIED CANDIDATE for a given office. We've sent them a letter in response, and are prepared to take legal action if they proceed scheduling a debate without including a qualified Pacific Green Party candidate. Full text of letter below the fold. Do take a moment to contact OPB and share your concerns. |
Oregonian excludes Green candidate for Governor
The Oregonian is seeking questions to ask only 2 gubernatorial candidates. It is also reporting on planned debates between only two candidates for governor and only two for U.S. Senator. This would be a good time to comment on this articles, call the reporters who wrote them, call editors at the Oregonian and WRITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Democracy only works when voters are fully informed. There is no reason to discriminate against grassroots, independent candidates. There is no reason to favor candidates who belong to certain political parties or who accept campaign "contributions" from corporations. The media should not censor or act as a gatekeeper for the electoral process. Voters should be informed about all candidates and make up their own minds. Please call, comment, write and agitate! |
Demand Police De-militarization
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon expresses solidarity with the good people of Ferguson, Missouri and elsewhere, and demands that local police be de-militarized!
JUST OUT!Order and wear the button shown to the left, in support of the justice for all. Button is 1.25" Union printed and made in Detroit. |